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WCF Action attribute.change results in Client being unable to see function when service reference is updated

I am writing a WCF service to receive data from a client. We have no control over the client, in-fact I don't think our customer has the source. A previous developer has a note that the OperationContract[Action = ..] attribute must be specified.

I am also creating a test client to send some mock data to check that I process the data correctly. I use the base address ( http://localhost:9000/SKUChange/ ) listed from the app.config of my service to add a service reference to the test client.

        <service name="ME_BAT_ClassLib.MessageReceiverService">
            <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="TNTLS_MessageProcessorSoap">
                    <dns value="localhost" />
            <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
                    <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9000/SKUChange/" />

If I leave the [OperationContract] with default attributes.

    string ProductInformationMessage(string parTNTProductInformation);

When I update the service reference within my test client I can see my function ProductInformationMessage.


If however I change the [OperationContract] Action attribute to the value required in the notes my test service ( [OperationContract(Action = "http://localhost/webservices/ProductInformationMessage", ReplyAction = "*")] ) no longer see the function.


I have tried altering the address when going to "Add service Reference to no luck. I am sure I a missing something very obverse!

Many Thanks

Your ReplyAction should not be '*' or wcf will not publish metadata about the operation. Normally, the replyAction should be Action + "Response", so please change it to http://localhost/webservices/ProductInformationMessageResponse , then you should see the method

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