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Is there a way to iterate over an unordered list with sublists - no jQuery?

I want to highlight every list item in my unordered list 'g1'. The list has several sublists. I want to press 'arrow down' and 'up' to highlight the next item. I was able to iterate over the outer list, but with the sublists, my solution becomes super messy. Is there a better way than mine with pure JavaScript?

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Family Tree</title>

<body id='main'>
        <h1 id=pos></h1>
    <ul id='g1' class="special">
        <ul id='generation2'>
            <li>John Williams</li>
            <li>Filippa Williams</li>
            <ul id='generation3'>
                <li>Juan James</li>
                <li>Catarina James</li>
                <li>Aoifa James</li>
            <li>Juan Williams</li>
        <li>Mark Williams</li>
        <li>Christina Johnson</li>
        <li>Christina Johnson</li>
        <li>Christina Johnson</li>
        <li>Juan Williams</li>
        <li>Juan Williams</li>
        <ul id='generation2'>
            <li>John Williams</li>
            <li>Filippa Williams</li>



document.onkeydown = function (e) {
    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 37:
        case 38:
        case 39:
        case 40:

var pos = -1;
var posSub = -1;
var posSubSub = 0;
var pointer;

function down() {
    var childrensChildren;
    var childrensGrandchildren;
    var gen1 = document.getElementById('g1');
    var gen1children = gen1.children;
    if (pos === -1) {
        gen1children[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
        document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
        return null;
    if (pos == gen1children.length - 1) {
        gen1children[gen1children.length - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
        gen1children[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
        pos = 0;
        document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
        return null;
    if (gen1children[pos].firstElementChild) {
        var childrensChildren = gen1children[pos].children;
        if (childrensChildren.firstChild) {
            childrensGrandchildren = childrensChildren[posSub].children;
            childrensGrandchildren[posSubSub].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
            childrensGrandchildren[childrensGrandchildren.length - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
        } else {
            if (posSub === -1) {
                childrensChildren[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
                return null;
            if (posSub == childrensChildren.length - 1) {
                childrensChildren[childrensChildren.length - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
                childrensChildren[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
                return null;
            } else {
                posSub += 1;
                childrensChildren[posSub - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
                childrensChildren[posSub].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
                return null;

    gen1children[pos].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
    gen1children[pos + 1].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
    pos += 1;
    document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
    return null;

function up() {
    var gen1 = document.getElementById('g1');
    var gen1children = gen1.children;
    if (pos === -1) {
        gen1children[0].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
        document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
        return null;
    if (pos == 0) {
        gen1children[gen1children.length - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
        gen1children[0].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
        pos = gen1children.length - 1;
        document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
        return null;
    gen1children[pos].style.backgroundColor = 'white';
    gen1children[pos - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
    pos -= 1;
    document.getElementById('pos').innerHTML = pos;
    return null;

You can quickly create a flat list of all li items in your heirarchical DOM tree, and traverse this list visually with the arrow keys:

 // Flat list of all `li` elements (in expected order) let allLiElems = Array.from(document.getElementById('g1').getElementsByTagName('li')); let liInd = null; let highlightAtInd = ind => { // Remove highlight from previous node if (liInd !== null) allLiElems[liInd].classList.remove('highlight'); // Apply highlight to next node liInd = ind; allLiElems[liInd].classList.add('highlight'); }; window.addEventListener('keydown', evt => { if (![ 38, 40 ].includes(evt.keyCode)) return; // Get the new index; ensure it doesn't over/underflow let newInd = liInd + ((evt.keyCode === 38) ? -1 : +1); if (newInd < 0) newInd = allLiElems.length - 1; if (newInd >= allLiElems.length) newInd = 0; highlightAtInd(newInd); evt.preventDefault(); }); // Initially highlight the 1st node highlightAtInd(0); 
 * { overflow: hidden !important; } #g1 { font-size: 11px; /* I want this to fit in the preview box */ } .highlight { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3); } 
 <ul id='g1' class="special"> <ul id='generation2'> <li>John Williams</li> <li>Filippa Williams</li> <ul id='generation3'> <li>Juan James</li> <li>Catarina James</li> <li>Aoifa James</li> </ul> <li>Juan Williams</li> </ul> <li>Mark Williams</li> <li>Christina Johnson</li> <li>Christina Johnson</li> <li>Christina Johnson</li> <li>Juan Williams</li> <li>Juan Williams</li> <ul id='generation2'> <li>John Williams</li> <li>Filippa Williams</li> </ul> </ul> 

Make sure you've focused the window before you try to perform key events!

您可以为所有菜单项创建一个类,然后在CSS https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_custom_select.asp中设置“选择”属性

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