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Why is my Android snackbar dismissed after clicking its action button?

I have a snackbar that I build with a duration set to Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE

The snackbar is displayed properly when I call mySnackbar.show();

But as soon as I hit the action button, the snackbar is dismissed.

The dismiss method seems called by the system.

Does anyone know a workaround ?

Here is my code for building my snackbar:

Snackbar mySnackbar = Snackbar.make(mParent, R.string.the_question, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE)
                .setAction(R.string.yes, new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {

                        //My code...
                .addCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {

                    public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar, int event) {

                    public void onShown(Snackbar snackbar) {

Below code is showing the Alert dialog "after" the snackbar is displayed.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(findViewById(android.R.id.content),
                "This is Snackbar", Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).
                setAction(R.string.yes, new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View v) {

                }).addCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {

            public void onDismissed(Snackbar transientBottomBar, int event) {
                super.onDismissed(transientBottomBar, event);


            public void onShown(Snackbar sb) {

        showAlertDialog(this, "Alert!!", "Alert Dialog", "Yes", "No");

The showAlertDialog is simple static method to show the dialog

public static void showAlertDialog(Context context, String title, String message, String posBtnMsg, String negBtnMsg) {
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        builder.setPositiveButton(posBtnMsg, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        builder.setNegativeButton(negBtnMsg, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();


The screen shot of the output for above code is below,


The answer to this question lies in the way Snackbar.setAction(CharSequence text, final View.OnClickListener listener) is implemented

If you pass this method a non empty text or non null listener, the TextView displaying the action's text is set an OnClickListener which calls BaseTransientBottomBar.dispatchDismiss(BaseCallback.DISMISS_EVENT_ACTION) when the action is performed. This causes the Snackbar to be dismissed.

To prevent that, one needs to retrieve the TextView of the Snackbar's action view, and override its OnClickListener with a listener that does not call dispatchDismiss()

Here is the Snackbar.setAction() code for reference

public Snackbar setAction(CharSequence text, final View.OnClickListener listener) {

        final SnackbarContentLayout contentLayout = (SnackbarContentLayout) mView.getChildAt(0);
        final TextView tv = contentLayout.getActionView();

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || listener == null) {
        } else {
            tv.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View view) {
                    // Now dismiss the Snackbar
        return this;

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