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iText 7.1.5 get real width of table from CSV

Currently I use iText 7.1.5 version and try to convert CSV file to PDF. When completing the table, I can't provide the correct page size to contain the entire table.

Before that version I used 7.1.1 and this code worked for me:

Table pdfTable = new Table(columnCount).setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER)
                // sets WIDTH property of table
        Cell cell = new Cell();


        // headers and content
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        PageSize fittedPageSize = PDFUtility.getFittedPageSize(pdfTable.getWidth(), PageSize.A4.getWidth());


Now the pdfTable.getWidth() returns 100% which is true because useAllAvailableWidth call.

Thanks in advance.

As answer to another question of mine, @Uladzimir Asipchuk gave me solution that can fit here too.

This is the answer link .

And my code:

`Table pdfTable = new Table(columnCount).setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER)
// Add table content here
MinMaxWidth minMaxWidth = 
float minWidth = minMaxWidth.getMaxWidth(); 

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