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how to get form values into state object in react

I'm trying to get the form values into an object but I can not get the values from form into the address object,

this.state = {
        address: {
            country: "",
            street: "",
            postcode: "",
            city: "",

handle_form_input = ev => {
    debug("handle_form_input", ev)
        [ev.target.name]: ev.target.value
    } as Form)

                   K(FormField, {
                        p, s,
                        type: "text",
                        name: "firstname",
                        onInput: this.handle_form_input
                   K(FormField, {
                        p, s, type: "text", name: "country", onInput: this.handle_form_input

                    K(FormField, {
                        p, s, type: "text", name: "street", onInput: this.handle_form_input

                    K(FormField, {
                        p, s, type: "text", name: "plz", onInput: this.handle_form_input

                    K(FormField, {
                        p, s, type: "text", name: "city", onInput: this.handle_form_input

                    K("input", { type: "submit", hidden: true })

any help would be appreciated.

It looks like you want to alter state.address[ev.target.name] and not just state[ev.target.name]

handle_form_input = ev => {
  const { name, value } = ev.target;
  this.setState(prevState => {
    const address = { ...prevState.address };
    address[name] = value;
    return { address };


    this.setState({address[ev.target.name]: ev.target.value})

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