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How capture a dynamic sub-path like "/COMPANY/rest..." with Suave and nest the routes?

I have several routes that must be grouped by "company", plus some that are valid for all:


So I try with suave:

let doReqScan action =
     warbler (fun r ->
        LOG.Debug("ROUTE: {route}", r.request.url)
        match r.request |> getCompany with
        | Some(x) ->
            let isAuth, validDb = isValidDb(x)

            if validDb then
                if isAuth then
                    action(r.request) |> _DoSet
        | _ -> never

let doReq(route:string, action) =
    path route >=> doReqScan action  

let appCompany company =
    choose [      
      path "/ws" >=> handShake ws
      GET >=>  choose
          doReq("/customers", (fun r -> queryCustomers(r)))
          pathScan "/customers/%d" (fun the_id -> doReqScan (fun r -> queryCustomer(r, the_id)))
let app =
    [ allow_cors
      pathScan "/%s" (fun company ->
                appCompany company
                GET >=>  choose
                    _doReq( "/config", (fun r -> config(r)) )
                POST >=> choose
                    _doReq( "/login", (fun r -> login(r)))
                    _doReq( "/logout", (fun r -> logout(r)))
      GET >=> Files.browseHome

However the pathScan capture all the url "/demo1/customers" instead of only "/demo1".

If I understand correctly:

  • All common urls are in the form: /something
  • All company urls are in the form: /companyName/something

Then you can try this:

let appCompany company =
    let com x = "/" + company + x
    choose [      
        path (com "/ws") >=> handShake ws
        GET >=> choose [
            doReq(com "/customers", (fun r -> queryCustomers(r)))
            pathScan "/%s/customers/%d" (fun _ the_id -> doReqScan (fun r -> queryCustomer(r, the_id)))

let app =
    choose [
        GET >=> choose [
                    _doReq( "/config", (fun r -> config(r)) )
        POST >=> choose [
                    _doReq( "/login", (fun r -> login(r)))
                    _doReq( "/logout", (fun r -> logout(r)))
        pathScan "/%s/%s" (fun company _ -> appCompany company)
        GET >=> Files.browseHome

Looking at what is proposed in Giraffe documentation (similar to Suave in spirit). They use a pathScan with all parts at once named subroutef

So it would be something like :

pathScan "/%s/customers" queryCustomers
pathScan "/%s/products" queryProducts

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