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NativeScript-Dev-Appium : UIElement.text() / UIElement.getAttribute(“value”) returns the automationText instead of the text displayed

I am using NativeScript-Dev-Appium@5.0.0 and wish to check for the text displayed on a label. I have automationText property assigned to the and use Driver.findElementByAccessibilityId(automationTextValue) to get the element. The element is found, but when I try to use the UIElement.text() / UIElement.getAttribute("value") on it, it returns the value of the automationText attribute instead of the actual displayed text. Is there any other method to do it because I can't find any.

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of NativeScript itself since when the automationText property is used, it will set all properties of the element like value, name, label etc. I would suggest you set the same text to automationText property and then you can access or test the element using something like this:

  1. Using XPath:
const el = await driver.findElementByXPath("//*[@name=\"My automation text\"]");
  1. For Android only
const el = await driver.findElementByText("My automation text");
const text =  await el.getAttribute("text");
  1. Use imageVerification types like:
await driver.compareRectangle
await driver.compareElement
await driver.compareScreen 

Which is very convenient but the cons here is that this will require higher maintenance at some point.

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