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How to merge List<String> during groupingBy

How to merge List<String> during groupingBy ?

Given a list of custom object EligibilityRequest where there are some duplicates, I'd need to group those instances of EligibilityRequest which are equal and then merge into list of String a specific property which is not contributing to the Equals method.

Here is the details:

public class EligibilityRequest {

 private String channel; // it's part of Equals

 private List<String> productCodes // it's not part of Equals and need to be aggregated within instance of EligibilityRequest "equal"


I tried the following:

  Map<EligibilityRequest, List<String>> uniqueEligibilityRequests = new HashMap<>();

  uniqueEligibilityRequests = requests.stream()
            .collect(groupingBy(request -> request,
                    Collectors.mapping(request -> request.getProductsCode(), toList())

It works as long as the productCodes represents a String instead of List<String> . I'm not able to figure it out how to merge different List<String> instead within the groupingBy .

Can someone help there?

Regards, Vincenzo

The code you have is appropriate for creating a map where values are lists of lists:

Map<EligibilityRequest, List<List<String>>> result = 
              .collect(groupingBy(request -> request,
                    Collectors.mapping(request -> request.getProductsCode(), 

If your intent is to collect all those inner lists into a single one, then you need this to flatten inner lists:

Map<EligibilityRequest, List<String>> res = 
                                list -> list.stream()

In this given situation, I find no-stream code is more comfortable.

public static <K extends Comparable<K>> Map<K, Set<String>> groupBy(List<EligibilityRequest> requests, Function<EligibilityRequest, K> getKey) {
    Map<K, Set<String>> map = new TreeMap<>();

    for (EligibilityRequest request : requests) {
        map.compute(getKey.apply(request), (key, productCodes) -> {
            productCodes = productCodes == null ? new TreeSet<>() : productCodes;
            return productCodes;

    return map;

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