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Connecting to Cloud SQL private IP from GCE VM application

I am checking Cloud SQL Private IP connections from different types of clients. I could successfully make a connection from an application hosted in a GKE cluster which was created as a VPC-native cluster as described here . Having already done this, I was expecting it would be easier to connect to the Private IP from the same application (which is a simple Spring Boot application) hosted in a GCE VM. Contrary to my expectations this does not appear to be so. It is the same Spring Boot application that I am trying to run inside a VM. But it does not seem to be able to connect to the database. I was expecting some connection error but nothing shows up - no exception thrown. What is strange is I am able connect to the Cloud SQL Private IP via mysql command line from the same VM but not from within the Spring Boot application. Anyone out there who faced this before?

Issue was not related Cloud SQL Private IP. As mentioned in my earlier comment, I was passing active profile info via Kubernetes pod configuration. So the Dockerfile did not have this info. To fix the issue, I had to pass active profile info when the program was initialized outside Kubernetes. This has a lot of helpful answers how to do this. If the program is being started via a docker run command the active profile info can be passed as a command line argument. See here for a useful reference.

So to summarize, Cloud SQL Private IP works fine from a CE VM. No special configuration required at GCE VM end to get this working.

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