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Flink job with AMQSource doesn't generate output

I used Apache Bahir's AMQSource connector that listens to ActiveMQ, but when I run the Flink job to consume the data from ActiveMQ no output is generated.

For example, the connector is listening to ActiveMQ which contains 4 messages, but when I run the Flink job no data get consumed.

val brokerURL = "tcp://localhost:61616"
val destinationName = "TEST.FOO"
val filePath = "C:\\output" + System.currentTimeMillis + ".csv"

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.setStateBackend(new MemoryStateBackend(1000, false))

val config = new AMQSourceConfig.AMQSourceConfigBuilder[String]()
  .setConnectionFactory(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURL))
  .setDeserializationSchema(new SimpleStringSchema)
  .setRunningChecker(new RunningChecker).build
val amqSource = new AMQSource[String](config)

val stream = env.addSource(amqSource)

stream.map(/*Some MapFunction*/)




AMQSource expects message as bytes, see code from run method under AMQSource.class:

Message message = this.consumer.receive(1000L);
if (!(**message instanceof BytesMessage**)) {
LOG.warn("Active MQ source received non bytes message: {}", message);

When produce data to ActiveMQ instead of text message:

val message = session.createTextMessage(text)

Use bytes message:

val message = session.createBytesMessage()

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