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Can you combine objects created in two separate classes to create a third object in a third class?

I have a Name object created in a Name class and an Address object created in a Address class. Can I combine these two objects to create a MailingLabel Object in a MailingLabel class?

First class

public class Name 
    private String firstName;
    private char middleInitial;
    private String lastName;

    public Name (String fn, char mi, String ln)
        firstName = fn;
        middleInitial = mi;
        lastName = ln;

Second class

public class Address 
    private int streetNumber;
    private String streetName;
    private String streetType;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private int zip;

    public Address (int snum, String sn, String st, String c, String s, int z)
        streetNumber = snum;
        streetName = sn;
        streetType = st;
        city = c;
        state = s;
        zip = z;


The goal is for MailingLabel to print out a toString that looks like

            Millicent X Feniwick

            1600 Huckleberry Lane

            Chelsea, NJ 15483
public class MailingLabel{
    private Address addressname;
    private Name theName;

    public MailingLabel(Address addressname, Name theName){
        this.addressname = addressname;
        this.theName = theName;

Based on what you asked, I guess this is what you need.

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