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Can I bind the Height of a XAML Grid back to my C# back end code?

I have some XAML code that looks like this. It names four grids and then in the back end my C# does something based on the values. As I can not have duplicate names I created four names.

But I would like to simplify the back-end code so is it possible that I could bind back the value of the height from my XAML > ViewModel and then check that value in my C#

<Grid IsVisible="{Binding AVisible}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
   <Grid x:Name="aWords" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
      <Frame VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <Grid x:Name="aArea" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
               <Label Text="{Binding Detail}"
<Grid IsVisible="{Binding BVisible}" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
   <Grid x:Name="bWords" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
      <Frame VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <Grid x:Name="bArea" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
               <Label Text="{Binding Detail}"

and in C#

var a = aWords.Height;
var b = aArea.Height;
if (b > a) doSomething();

var c = aWords.Height;
var d = aArea.Height;
if (d > c) doSomething();

What I would like to do is like this:

if (vm.AreaHeight > vm.WordsHeight) doSomething();

The way you can pass those values to your ViewModel is by using the binding context of your page for interacting with the ViewModel methods and properties.

First, create a couple of properties in your ViewModel to hold the Height of your objects: ie:

public int AreaHeight { get; set; }
public int WordsHeight { get; set; }

Then, on your page override the event: OnAppearing() in order to get the Height from your grids using the x:Name attribute, then you will call from your ViewModel the method: doSomething() passing the obtained values as parameters. ie:

    protected override void OnAppearing()
        // Get your height from your grids here ...
        // int gridAHeight = aWords.Height;
        // int gridBHeight = aArea.Height;
        (BindingContext as YourViewModel).doSomething(gridAHeight, gridBHeight);

Finally, in your ViewModel, implement the method doSomething() and catch the parameters obtained from the view page by assigning them to your previously created properties. ie:

public void DoSomething(int gridAHeight, int gridBHeight)
    AreaHeight = gridAHeight;
    WordsHeight = gridBHeight;
    if (AreaHeight < WordsHeight)
       // place your logic here...

That is all you need. It is just basic MVVM pattern .

Passing heights or binding heights to a ViewModel violates MVVM pattern. ViewModels shouldn't know anything about a specific view.

I would suggest refactoring your view and finding a different layout depending on the specifics needed for the page. A possible solution would be to use a ListView with labels and restricting the content in the ObservableCollection so you don't have duplicates.

If you have to have it set up that way, I would suggest using MaxLines and/or LineBreakMode to restrict the height of your Labels.

Issues with doing logic based on height:

  1. FontSize could be different based on AccessibilitySettings specified in the users phone
  2. Rotating the screen will change how much of the label is wrapped due to the label expanding . This would force you to do a recalculation again.

Basically, you can't. There isn't the height in XAML, but rather HeightRequest . The layout is a complex thing and the height may not end up being what is your HeightRequest , it is just a suggested value. So you can only change that suggested value from the view model that is not the problem, but that is not what you asked for.

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