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How can I send the value of a DynamicResource to my custom controls C# back end?

I created a custom control:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Frame xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" 
   Test="{DynamicResource Test}" >

namespace Japanese.Templates
    public partial class Button : Frame

        public static readonly BindableProperty TestProperty = 
           BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Test), typeof(string), typeof(Button), 
           default(string), propertyChanged: TestChanged);

        public string Test { get => (string)GetValue(TestProperty); 
                             set => SetValue(TestProperty, value); }

        private static void TestChanged(BindableObject bindable, 
           object oldValue, object newValue)
            var x = 2;

My problem is that when I make a change like this:

Application.Current.Resources["Test"] = "X";
Application.Current.Resources["Test"] = "Y";

Then the control is not seeing the change and when I debug it does not go to the variable x.

When a DynamicResource value will change it won't notify your control. You can read more about it purpose in the official documentation . I would also recommend you to read about BindableProperties here .

In the shared code example it is unclear what are you trying to do, however, it seems like you should replace DynamicResource by storing the value in a ViewModel .

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