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IIS Website working using localhost but not with IP Address or domain names

I have an issue accessing a .NET website that I have configured to use Windows authentication (Site works fine with forms authentication) . I get a 401 authorised message back every time I try accessing the site using a proper domain name or IP address but the site works as expected when accessed over localhost



在IIS中启用Windows身份验证/ ASP.net模拟

I have made a few changes to the applicationhost.config but none has given me the desired results. 对ApplicationHost.config

I have also tried to items mentioned in the below URLs, but without much luck. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/896861/you-receive-error-401-1-when-you-browse-a-web-site-that-uses-integrate



If anyone of you have encountered this issue, please assist.

FYI, I have hosted this site on AWS and for test purposes have enabled incoming https/https traffic from all IPs. Server : Windows server 2016 IIS : IIS 10

I was finally able to get this to work by switching over to Kerberos from NTLM and by creating appropriate SPN entries. Also had to add the site to Local intranet sites

Below is the link that I referred.



Had to additionally do this for Firefox

Enter about:config and modify a couple of entries.
Enter my domain on these settings

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