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How can I make a Jmeter HTTP request with an Enum as Request Parameter?

I have a Spring Controller with this signature

public ResponseEntity<blabla> find(@RequestParam Long id, @RequestParam Long version, @RequestParam CheckedItemType type)

I am trying to make an http request with Jmeter setting the third parameter as: type=0 text/plain and I get a 400 error code cause the controller can't cast a String to CheckedItemType.

Any idea about how I can solve this?

Here, is an example:

public enum Modes {

String to enum Converter:

public class StringToEnumConverter implements Converter<String, Modes> {

    public Modes convert(String from) {
        return Modes.valueOf(from);

Aregister our Converter:

public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

  public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
       registry.addConverter(new StringToEnumConverter());

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