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URL Redirection handlers in NODE.JS & EXPRESS

I am trying to make a redirection function work using an html form that redirects to a specified URL

This is the "database" (just an object right now):

let urlDatabase = {
b2xVn2: "http://www.cbc.ca", //keyname just a randomly assigned number
"9sm5xK": "http://www.google.com"

and this is how said "database" is passed to the server:

app.get("/urls", (req, res) => {
//template vars is passed to urls_index EJS file
let templateVars = { urls: urlDatabase };   
res.render("urls_index", templateVars); 

"urls_index" being the view file....

and my form on the view ejs file (named "urls_index":

     <% for (let index in urls) { %>
     <ul> <li> <%=  urls[index] + ": " + index %>   <br>  
     <form method ="POST" action="/u/<%= urls[index] %>"><button 
     type="submit" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm">Click here to 
      redirect to your page</button></form>

     </li> </ul>
     <% } %>

My handler on the Server file:

app.get("/u/:id", (req, res) => {
let redirection = urlDatabase[req.params.id];

when the form is clicked, it should redirect to the corresponding url page (to redirect to google.com for example).

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

ejs uses the awful javascript for loops, and not the for x in y loop like in python.

This should fix the problem:

<% for (var i=0; i<urls.length; i++) { %>
<ul> <li> <%=  url[i] + ": " + i %>   <br>  
<form method ="GET" action="<%= '/u/' + url[i] %>">
<button class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm">Click here to redirect to your page</button> 
//buttons have a default type="submit" so no need to add that

 </li> </ul>
 <% }; %>

Note that you can also use a for loop like this if the array index is not needed:

<% urls.forEach(function(url) { %>

//do something with url

<% }); %>

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