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How to link a C++ library in a C project

The c project is composed by a lot of classes and files. The C++ library is compiled into a ".a" file. When I add the .a file as library to the MakeFile of the C project, it shows a lot of errors like undefined reference to '__gxx_personality_v0' that may related to the difference between C and C++.

I'm using gcc to compile the C project. But whatever functions I'm calling in the C project are declared as extern C in the header file of the C++ library.

I really appreciate any help!

You have to use a C++ linker, or use g++ as the link driver instead of gcc .

The issue is that the basic linker will not link against C++ runtime libraries (the same would be true for a Fortran static library). The C++ driver for your compiler will add these flags for you.

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