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Apache - AliasMatch and htaccess authentication

I am trying to setup an simple aliasmatch for apache http(s) server. The aim is to allow to reach mydomain.com/myfiles/ with any url like mydomain.com/myfiles*/ without using url rewriting I am using a .htaccess file to require an authentication.

My problem is : When I add the AliasMatch directive, the url is recognize but I receive the error 403 forbidden without receiving the authentication popup window asking for user/password for the basic url as well as for the aliases. What am I missing ?

I tried almost all syntax I could think about around this

AliasMatch "^/myfiles(.*)" "/myfiles/$1"

In the global conf as well as in the virtualhost conf.

my Directory directive

<Directory /xxx/xxx/xxxx/myfiles>
   AllowOverride Authconfig
   Require all denied

my .htaccess

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile "/xxxx/xxx/xxx"
Require valid-user

myfiles is a symlink and working fine when there is not the AliasMacth directive.

您的AliasMatch语法应为AliasMatch“ ^ / myfiles(。*)$”“ / real / path / to / myfiles / $ 1”,并带有'$'和'real-path',请尝试

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