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How to set default libraries for all android studio projects


In AndroidStudio there are some templates.
You can manage them to add some dependencies, but I discourage this way since the templates can change in the later releases, each update can override your files, then it is not so simple to have a good maintenance.

It is not equivalent and may be it not your aim but you can copy an external gradle file in your projects and then just add the dependencies in a very short time.

Something like gradleScript/dependecies.gradle

ext {
    supportLibrary = '27.x.x'

    //Support Libraries dependencies
    supportDependencies = [
            design           :         "com.android.support:design:${supportLibrary}",
            recyclerView     :         "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:${supportLibrary}",
            cardView         :         "com.android.support:cardview-v7:${supportLibrary}",
            appCompat        :         "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:${supportLibrary}",
            supportAnnotation:         "com.android.support:support-annotations:${supportLibrary}",

Add in your top-level build.gradle :

// Load dependencies
apply from: 'gradleScript/dependencies.gradle'

And then in each module/build.gradle just add your dependencies:

// Module build file

dependencies {
    compile supportDependencies.appCompat
    compile supportDependencies.design

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