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Display Image from Path in Asp.Net Core and Razor view?

I am trying to display a picture of an item in MVC View Razor webpage.

The following was not working. ImageLocation only has picture number filename.


View was not working, just need to display one product image:

@model ElectronicsStore.Models.Product

    ViewData["Title"] = "Details";


    <hr />
    <dl class="dl-horizontal">

            <img src="~/images/@Url.Content(Model.ImageLocation)" alt="Image">

            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.ProductDescription)
            @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.ProductDescription)

this solution did not work yet, as it using previous version of mvc net How to display an image from a path in asp.net MVC 4 and Razor view?

This is to get all images in the directory. Of course you can tweak it for your needs.

I used something like this:

var images = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Server.MapPath("Path"))
                             .Select(fn => "Path" + Path.GetFileName(fn));

and to display it I would use:

foreach (var image in (IEnumerable<string>)images)
      //Your logic here eg:
      <img class="img" src="@Url.Content(image)" />

Tweak it for your needs

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