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How to dynamically create an ansible list out of hostvars?

I have a few variables defined for every host. Like...

  - hostA:
      self_ip: ""
      self_port: "8001"
  - hostB:
      self_ip: ""
      self_port: "8002"

Inside one of the roles, I want to define a variable, which is a combination of few host variables. For example...


How can I do this?

I tried using Jinja2 for loops like below:

  "{% for host in groups['all_hosts'] %}
  - {{hostvars[host]['self_ip']}}:{{hostvars[host]['self_port']}}
  {% endfor %}"

This seems to be creating a string. Not a list. Can someone tell me what is wrong? And is there a way to use ansible filters to achieve this?

- set_fact:
    all_endpoints: "{{ hosts|json_query('[].vars.[self_ip, self_port]') }}"
- set_fact:
    touples: "{{ touples|default([]) + [ item.0 + ':' + item.1 ] }}"
  loop: "{{ all_endpoints }}"
- debug:
    var: touples


"touples": [

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