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Laravel: select pivot column with scope

I Wanna Show Details, It's Simple! I use ScopeFilter function in my model (Estate):

public function scopeFilter($query, $zone = null,  $type = null) {
    $query->whereHas('types',function ($query) use ($type) {
    })->whereHas('zone',function ($query) use ($zone) {
    return $query;
}`enter code here`

were is my controller (estate controller):

$estates = Estate::filter($zone,$type)->latest()->paginate(12);

and here is my relation :

public function types()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Type::class)->withPivot('slug');

I have an additional column in my many to many table like:

estate_id| type_id |   slug  |
    a    |    b    |   a_b   |
    c    |    d    |   c_d   |

I do everything fine just need show details with where on 'slug' column in my many to many table.

whereHas('types',function ($query) use ($type) { $query->where('estate_type.slug',$type); }) 


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