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lx86cl: No such file or directory common clozure lisp

I am on a slackware and I have successfully installed common clozure lisp but when running ccl in shell prompt I have the following error message:

>  /usr/local/bin/ccl64: line 81: /usr/local/bin//lx86cl64: No such file
> or directory
>     bash-4.3# ccl64 
>     /usr/local/bin/ccl64: line 81: /usr/ccl/scripts/lx86cl64: No such file or directory
>     bash-4.3# ./ccl64 
>     ./ccl64: line 81: /usr/ccl/scripts/lx86cl64: No such file or directory
>     bash-4.3#

I followed the instructions and copied the two files into


from /usr/ccl/scripts/ installation directory as follows:

My local bin here below:

bash-4.3# pwd
    bash-4.3# ls -l
    total 8
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1389 Mar 10 10:52 ccl
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1734 Mar 10 10:52 ccl64

The scripts installation directory is as below:

bash-4.3# pwd
bash-4.3# ls -l c*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1399 Nov  6  2015 ccl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1744 Mar  6 22:28 ccl64

The lx86cl is located as below:

bash-4.3# pwd
bash-4.3# ls -l lx*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   182924 Mar  5 20:52 lx86cl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18231312 Nov  6  2015 lx86cl.image
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   201168 Mar  5 20:52 lx86cl64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24871152 Nov  6  2015 lx86cl64.image

The configuration modified lines for the two files in my /usr/local/bin/ is as follows:

   if [ -z "$CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY" ]; then


same happens if I put the /usr/ccl instead of /usr/ccl/scripts

  if [ -z "$CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY" ]; then


bash-4.3# ccl
/usr/local/bin/ccl: line 48: /usr/ccl/scripts/lx86cl: No such file or directory

bash-4.3# echo $PATH

The error message says that /usr/local/bin//lx86cl64 is not found. If I look at your ls -l from /usr/local/bin , that seems to be true.

So, why not just copy the required files there:

cp /usr/ccl/lx86cl* /usr/local/bin

As you said that you are on Slackware, that should work.

Not sure what you are doing with the cygwin. It seems not appropriate for Slackware, and you may be editing is a part of the script that is only executed when run under cygwin.

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