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How to achieve click an area outside the TextField to make the TextField lose focus?

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    TextField {
        width: 130
        height: 50

    Button {
        anchors.right: parent.right
        text: "lose Focus"

why textField don't lose Focus when Button Click? How to achieve click an area outside the TextField to make the TextField lose focus?

The simplest way using your existing code is to force active focus on another item when the button is clicked:

Button {
    anchors.right: parent.right
    text: "lose Focus"
    onClicked: forceActiveFocus()

To make the TextField lose focus when clicking the area outside of it, you can do something similar with MouseArea :

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: forceActiveFocus()

    TextField {
        id: textField
        width: 130
        height: 50

This item needs to be below (ie have a lower Z value than) other items in the scene. You can also make it a parent of the other items to achieve this:

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: forceActiveFocus()

        TextField {
            id: textField
            width: 130
            height: 50

If you're using Qt Quick Controls 2, you can use the focusPolicy property on eg Pane :

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    Pane {
        anchors.fill: parent
        focusPolicy: Qt.ClickFocus

    TextField {
        id: textField
        width: 130
        height: 50

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