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Android Sentry not showing logs in dashboard

I'm adding Sentry to my android wearable application to log crashes. However Sentry is not sending/showing any events in the dashboard.

I'm testing on an android emulator which has internet acces. I'm using the following setup:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Sentry.init("http://public:private@sentry.io/app_id?async=false", new AndroidSentryClientFactory(this.getApplicationContext()));

        int i = 4 / 0;
    } catch (Throwable ex) {


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

The only logs I am getting are:

03-04 18:58:54.214 31757-31757/nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java D/io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Construction of Android Sentry.

03-04 18:58:54.226 31757-31757/nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java D/io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Sentry init with ctx='nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java.HomeWizardApp@82709d8' and dsn='Dsn{uri= http://sentry.io/ }'

03-04 18:58:54.287 31757-31757/nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java D/io.sentry.android.AndroidSentryClientFactory: Using buffer dir: /data/user/0/nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java/cache/sentry-buffered-events

03-04 18:58:54.376 31757-31757/nl.jamieknoef.homewizard.homewizard_java D/io.sentry.android.event.helper.AndroidEventBuilderHelper: Proguard UUIDs file not found.

Any idea's what causing Sentry to not send events?

I noticed Sentry doesn't immediatly send logs, it periodically sends your exceptions to their servers. So if you crash your application on your first activity in the onCreate method like I did, it probably won't get the time to ever send your exceptions.

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