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Getting “App Not Installed” on some devices from signed apk

I have done listed points for fixing the same but no luck:

1.  Changed package name
2.  Clear cache & checked if there is no previous build installed on device
3.  allowBackUp set to false
4.  Version upgradation and target SDK changed (In this case app is able to install some devices but some other devices getting the app not installed)
5.  Selected both V1 and V2 checkboxes (Signature Version)

Is there any other thing to do apart from above points?

After trying many solutions, I performed following steps which worked for me:

  1. File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart
  2. Added signingConfigs in AndroidManifest.xml

signingConfigs { config { keyAlias 'testAlias' keyPassword 'testPassword' storeFile file('/Users/raj.sharma/test-project/keystore') storePassword 'testPassword' } }

  1. Now select “release” in Build Variants

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