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implicit value for slick.jdbc.SetParameter[List[Int]]

I have a raw slick query backed by PostgreSQL. I want to run a query like this: select something from my_table where action in (1,2,3) . Note that action is an integer field in my_table

I'm getting a compilation error in my method below:

could not find implicit value for parameter e: slick.jdbc.SetParameter[List[Int]]

def myMethod(actions: List[Int]]) {
 sql"""select something from my_table 
        where action in (${actions})""".as[MyType]


How can I explicitly set the List[Int] parameter so that I can successfully run the in query?


def myMethod(actions: List[Int]) =
  sql"""select something from my_table
        where action in #${actions.mkString("(", ",", ")")}""".as[MyType]



Use he slick-postgreSQL extensions: https://github.com/tminglei/slick-pg

more info: How to pass an array to a slick SQL plain query?

implicit val setIntArray: SetParameter[Array[Int]] = mkArraySetParameter[Int](...)

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