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Command json-server --watch db.json is not working - it returns"'json-server' command not found"

I set a JSON file to use as a little practice database, but I can't run the server.

I've already tried to install (and reinstall) json-server global and locally npm install -g json-server and npm install json-server and then run json-server --watch db.json , but it doesn't work.

I've also tried to set a script in the package.json file "load": "json-server --watch db.json" and run the script node load .

But nothing seems to work and I keep getting in return the message:

"'json-server' command not found"

or, in Portuguese:

"'json-server' não é reconhecido como um comando interno ou externo, um programa operável ou um arquivo em lotes".

How can I fix this?


npx json-server --watch db.json

Check if this might help you.

Open the git bash(assume you have on your local machine) and execute below command: alias json-server="<..../node_modules/.bin/json-server.cmd>" ---> IGNORE <, > symbols and .... is the location where your node_modules folder is present

Then run json-server --watch db.json

Solution : For Linux:

  1. Firstly, run this command to globally install json-server

    sudo npm install -g json-server

  2. Move to your local folder(like my-app) and run this command

    npm install json-server

  3. Open a new Terminal in the same folder

    json-server --watch db.json --port 3004

I added the script for running the json-server in my package.json file like this:

 "server": "json-server db.json --watch --port 5000"

And tried to run it like this:

npm run server

And it works except the server wasn't being watched unless I had to manually end and run the json server command every time a change was made.

What fixed it for me was running the command directly in a bash terminal (under the app root directory).

So run:

json-server db.json --watch --port 5000

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