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How to create a member vector of filtering streams?

Let's start with a simple compressed file reader class using boost::iostreams :

class SingleFileOpener{
        SingleFileOpener(const std::string& filename, bool is_compressed) {
            if(is_compressed) m_stream.push(bio::zlib_decompressor());

        void print() {
            bio::copy(m_stream, std::cout);
        using unseekable_stream = boost::iostreams::filtering_istream;
        unseekable_stream m_stream;

Now calling SingleFileOpener("input.txt", true) followed by print() works correctly.Coliru Link

I want to extend my class to read and manipulate multiple files in a similar manner. Below is the sample code I tried out(commented out in the Coliru link above too):

class MultiFileOpener{
        MultiFileOpener(const std::vector<std::string> filenames, std::vector<bool> is_compressed) {
            for(auto i = 0u; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
                unseekable_stream s;
                if(is_compressed[i]) s.push(bio::zlib_decompressor());
                m_stream.emplace_back(s); // <- error: use of deleted function(copy ctor)

        void print(int i) {
            bio::copy(*m_stream[i], std::cout);
        using unseekable_stream = boost::iostreams::filtering_istream;
        std::vector<boost::optional<unseekable_stream>> m_stream;

The above doesnt compile due to missing copy constructors in base classes. I've tried using boost::optional , std::shared_ptr and miscellaneous alternatives used for delayed initialization. Uptil now the only solution that has worked is to use an initializer list constructor for the std::vector , ie doing ctor: m_stream(filenames.size()) {...} . I had 2 questions:

  1. Why is a copy constructor even being called here?
  2. Is it possible to do this without the initializer list way?

Why is a copy constructor even being called here?



Is it possible to do this without the initializer list way?

Option 1

Use a list:

    std::list<unseekable_stream> m_stream;

Change the for loop as follows:

auto& s = m_stream.back();
if(is_compressed[i]) s.push(bio::zlib_decompressor());

Option 2

Use unique_ptr :

    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<unseekable_stream>> m_stream;

For loop code:

auto stream_ptr = std::make_unique<unseekable_stream>();
... //same as above but change . to ->

Option 3

Initialize vector with size and not use push_back or emplace_back .

std::vector<unseekable_stream> m_stream;

MultiFileOpener(const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, const std::vector<bool>& is_compressed) 
 : m_stream(filenames.size())
        for(auto i = 0u; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
            unseekable_stream& s = m_stream[i];
            if(is_compressed[i]) s.push(bio::zlib_decompressor());

With this, you cannot add or remove streams later. If those features are needed, use the other options.

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