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Debugging a Windows Console Application from Task Scheduler

I also checked previous questions on Stack Overflow before posting this.

Here is my problem:

I created a Windows Console Application on Visual Studio 2017. This application is supposed to fetch some data from tables and send email at regular intervals. Initially, I created a Windows Service and it is working fine but later I decided to execute this from Task Scheduler as changing schedules would be easy.

The MAIN code is as below:

public static void Main(string[] args)

stativ void RetrieveData()
    // Fetch data and send mails

There are two problems:

(1) I am not able to attach it to a process. First the issue is that as I start it in debugging mode, the application exits as soon as it hits Main when trying to Attach to process.

(2) The .exe name is not appearing under process names when I click "Attach to Process".

How to debug this application when it is executed from a task scheduler? It is not even executing when Task Scheduler triggers this job.

Try to use Debugger.Launch() .

Put this line in your first line in the main , hold Visual Studio open in this project, compile your project, schedule a task to run your new compiled executable, and wait for your program will ask you to open Visual Studio to debug.

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