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Promise.all always returns an empty array

I'm trying to solve this promise puzzle and I've had 2 questions:

A) I'm wondering why it's returning empty array. What am i doing wrong?

B) How can I implement async reduce?

B) How can I make it return a Async Array instead of empty array?


Please make use of .get method to iterate through the elements and the return value must be a asyncArray (not a regular array)

Code looks like this:

  /** * Async array. */ function AsyncArray(arr) { this._arr = arr; this.length = arr.length; } /** * Asynchronously get the array item of the * given index. * @param {number} index - array index of the desired item * @param {function} callback - called with the array item */ AsyncArray.prototype.get = function get(index, callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0, this._arr[index]); }; /** * Async version of Array.prototype.map. * @param {AsyncArray} arr * @param {function} fn - (item: any) => any * @returns {Promise<AsyncArray>} */ function asyncMap(arr, fn) { let counter = 0; // counter const res = []; /// array of promises. const len = arr.length; // Get the length. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Pending. while(true) { if(counter===len) { console.log("before break", res); break; } arr.get(counter, item => { res[counter] = function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return resolve(fn(item)); }); }(); console.log('r',res); }); counter += 1; } Promise.all(res).then((r1, rej) => { console.log("hello world", r1); return resolve(res); }); }); } /** * Async version of Array.prototype.reduce. * @param {AsyncArray} arr * @param {function} fn - (val: any, item: any) => any * @returns {Promise<any>} */ function asyncReduce(arr, fn, initVal) {} const arr = new AsyncArray([1, 2, 3]); // arr.get(1, item => console.log(item)); // Existing // Expected result: [2, 4, 6]; asyncMap(arr, x => x * 2).then(arr_ => console.log('asyncMap:', arr_)); // Expected result: 106 // asyncReduce(arr, (v, x) => v + x, 100).then(val => console.log('asyncReduce:', val)); 

You're putting the result of the get calls into the results array asynchronously - res is empty when you call Promise.all on it:

      arr.get(counter, item => {
        res[counter] = function() {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            return resolve(fn(item));
      // at this point, nothing has been pushed to res


called synchronously after that point won't wait for anything, because none of the items in the array are Promises.

You could push a Promise to the array synchronously instead:

      res.push(new Promise((resolve) => {
        arr.get(counter, item => resolve(fn(item)));

 /** * Async array. */ function AsyncArray(arr) { this._arr = arr; this.length = arr.length; } /** * Asynchronously get the array item of the * given index. * @param {number} index - array index of the desired item * @param {function} callback - called with the array item */ AsyncArray.prototype.get = function get(index, callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0, this._arr[index]); }; /** * Async version of Array.prototype.map. * @param {AsyncArray} arr * @param {function} fn - (item: any) => any * @returns {Promise<AsyncArray>} */ function asyncMap(arr, fn) { let counter = 0; // counter const res = []; /// array of promises. const len = arr.length; // Get the length. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Pending. while(true) { if(counter===len) { console.log("before break", res); break; } res.push(new Promise((resolve) => { arr.get(counter, item => resolve(fn(item))); })); counter += 1; } Promise.all(res).then((r1, rej) => { console.log("hello world", r1); return resolve(r1); }); }); } /** * Async version of Array.prototype.reduce. * @param {AsyncArray} arr * @param {function} fn - (val: any, item: any) => any * @returns {Promise<any>} */ function asyncReduce(arr, fn, initVal) {} const arr = new AsyncArray([1, 2, 3]); // arr.get(1, item => console.log(item)); // Existing // Expected result: [2, 4, 6]; asyncMap(arr, x => x * 2).then(arr_ => console.log('asyncMap:', arr_)); // Expected result: 106 // asyncReduce(arr, (v, x) => v + x, 100).then(val => console.log('asyncReduce:', val)); 

I'd prefer to use .map on an array of the internal array's length to map each arr.get call to a Promise in an array, and call Promise.all on that array:

 function AsyncArray(arr) { this._arr = arr; this.length = arr.length; } AsyncArray.prototype.get = function get(index, callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0, this._arr[index]); }; function asyncMap(asyncArr, fn) { return Promise.all( new Array(asyncArr.length).fill().map( (item, i) => new Promise(resolve => asyncArr.get(i, item => resolve(fn(item)))) ) ).then((result) => { console.log("hello world", result); return result; }); } const arr = new AsyncArray([1, 2, 3]); asyncMap(arr, x => x * 2).then(arr_ => console.log('asyncMap:', arr_)); 

For async reduce, have the accumulator be a Promise that resolves to the array after having been pushed in the last iteration:

 function asyncReduce(asyncArr, fn, initVal) { return new Array(asyncArr.length).fill().reduce( (a, _, i) => a.then(resultsArr => { // feel free to use asynchronous operations here return new Promise((resolve) => { asyncArr.get(i, resultItem => { resultsArr.push(fn(resultItem)); resolve(resultsArr); }); }); }), Promise.resolve(initVal) ); } function AsyncArray(arr) { this._arr = arr; this.length = arr.length; } AsyncArray.prototype.get = function get(index, callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0, this._arr[index]); }; const arr = new AsyncArray([1, 2, 3]); asyncReduce(arr, x => x * 2, []).then(arr_ => console.log('asyncReduce:', arr_)); 

To also return instances of asyncArray , just call new AsyncArray before resolving, for example:

 function asyncReduce(asyncArr, fn, initVal) { return new Array(asyncArr.length).fill().reduce( (a, _, i) => a.then(resultsArr => { // feel free to use asynchronous operations here return new Promise((resolve) => { asyncArr.get(i, resultItem => { resultsArr.push(fn(resultItem)); resolve(resultsArr); }); }); }), Promise.resolve(initVal) ) .then((resultArr) => new AsyncArray(resultArr)); } function AsyncArray(arr) { this._arr = arr; this.length = arr.length; } AsyncArray.prototype.get = function get(index, callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0, this._arr[index]); }; const arr = new AsyncArray([1, 2, 3]); asyncReduce(arr, x => x * 2, []).then(arr_ => console.log('asyncReduce:', arr_)); 

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