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Change chart height and width property in javascript

I have this button that when is clicked it's supposed to downsize a chart but it's not working. I don't want to change the style height and width attribute since this makes the chart look stretched. That's why I'm trying to change the property that's in the chart element.

 <script type="text/javascript">
        function downSize() {
            document.getElementById("chart1").Height = "350px";
            document.getElementById("chart1").Width = "600px";  

<asp:LinkButtonrunat="server" Text="DownSize" ID="DownSize" class="btn btn info" onClientClick="downSize()"></asp:LinkButton>

  <asp:Chart ID="chart1" runat="server"   EnableViewState="True" Height = "650px" Width = "1200px">
                <asp:Legend Name="Legend">
                <asp:ChartArea Name="DefaultChartArea" BorderColor="Gainsboro">
                    <AxisY >
                        <MajorGrid LineColor="LightSteelBlue" />
                        <MajorTickMark LineColor="Transparent" />
                        <MajorGrid LineColor="LightSteelBlue" />
                        <MajorTickMark LineColor="Transparent" />
            <BorderSkin BackColor="Transparent" BorderColor="Transparent" BorderDashStyle="DashDot" SkinStyle="Emboss" />

When the button is clicked it seems the chart is reloaded but its the same size as before. I also added a document.write("Hello") to make sure the button is activating the function and it works so it seems is something wrong with the graph or the script.

Why is the code not working?

The Hieght and Width are asp control properties.

Try to change the css attributes of the chart:

 function downSize() {
            document.getElementById("chart1").style.height = "350px";
            document.getElementById("chart1").style.width = "600px";  

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