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Netflix conductor server local docker container is unhealthy

I am following the steps here to install & run Netflix Conductor locally on my desktop. I am trying to use docker-compose to bring all the services up. After initial problems of incorrect docker version, docker compose version, docker compose build problem (solved using this ), I have hit a roadblock with this error -

/conductor/docker$ sudo docker-compose up

docker_elasticsearch_1 is up-to-date

docker_dynomite_1 is up-to-date

ERROR: for conductor-server Container "a89b4c61d465" is unhealthy.

ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Also i changed elasticsearch port to 10300 in docker-compose.yaml, server/config/config.properties & server/config/config-local.properties.

Docker compose version is 1.23.2. Docker version is 18.09.3.

PS: I am extremely new to dockers & related concepts.

More info: reverted my port change to default (9200/9300) & added docker information of unhealthy container (docker container-id changed due to re-build)

/conductor/docker$ sudo docker ps -a --filter "id=7be9f9b5288c" [sudo] password for anshuman: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES

7be9f9b5288c docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.6.8 "/bin/bash bin/es-do…" 36 minutes ago Up 36 minutes (unhealthy)>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp docker_elasticsearch_1

curl to elasticsearch seems ok.

/conductor/docker$ curl 1553188720 17:18:40 docker-cluster yellow 1 1 5 5 0 0 5 0 - 50.0%

Docker logs for the container give me this (no clue what they mean)

/conductor/docker$ sudo docker logs 7be9f9b5288c [2019-03-21T17:12:06,323][INFO ][oexmMachineLearningTemplateRegistry] [M5hkiIZ] successfully created .ml-meta index template

[2019-03-21T17:12:06,413][INFO ][oexmMachineLearningTemplateRegistry] [M5hkiIZ] successfully created .ml-notifications index template

[2019-03-21T17:12:06,502][INFO ][oexmMachineLearningTemplateRegistry] [M5hkiIZ] successfully created .ml-anomalies- index template

[2019-03-21T17:12:07,152][INFO ][oelLicenseService ] [M5hkiIZ] license [dfac41a4-9280-4c77-81ef-0f943039ef77] mode [trial] - valid

[2019-03-21T17:12:15,712][INFO ][oecmMetaDataCreateIndexService] [M5hkiIZ] [.monitoring-es-6-2019.03.21] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [.monitoring-es], shards 1 / 1 , mappings [doc]

[2019-03-21T17:12:16,122][INFO ][oecmMetaDataCreateIndexService] [M5hkiIZ] [.watches] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [watches], shards 1 / 1 , mappings [watch]

[2019-03-21T17:12:16,728][INFO ][oecmMetaDataMappingService] [M5hkiIZ] [.watches/t05gsw2UQjmWEJ9IiSKn6g] update_mapping [watch]

[2019-03-21T17:13:17,111][INFO ][oecmMetaDataCreateIndexService] [M5hkiIZ] [.triggered_watches] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [triggered_watches], shards 1 / 1 , mappings [triggered_watch]

[2019-03-21T17:13:17,644][INFO ][oecmMetaDataCreateIndexService] [M5hkiIZ] [.monitoring-alerts-6] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [.monitoring-alerts], shards 1 / 1 , mappings [doc]

[2019-03-21T17:13:17,918][INFO ][oecmMetaDataCreateIndexService] [M5hkiIZ] [.watcher-history-6-2019.03.21] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [.watch-history-6], shards 1 / 1 , mappings [doc]

[2019-03-21T17:13:18,475][INFO ][oecmMetaDataMappingService] [M5hkiIZ] [.watcher-history-6-2019.03.21/sP8OvfXNSmCImfRf3mCR3A] update_mapping [doc]

[2019-03-21T17:13:18,718][INFO ][oecmMetaDataMappingService] [M5hkiIZ] [.watcher-history-6-2019.03.21/sP8OvfXNSmCImfRf3mCR3A] update_mapping [doc]

Finally, I figured out the problems to make this work. It required to at least get to know the basics of how docker and Dockerfile work.

  1. Based on the documentation here , I started the local server & was attempting to bring everything up using docker-compose . This gave me a port conflict.
  2. I resorted to incorrectly change port for elasticsearch . Realized this after I learnt basics of Dockerfile . This was the reason for my unhealthy container.
  3. Then there were errors in building conductor-ui.

    npm ERR! code EINTEGRITY

    This required a change in Dockerfile for conductor-ui. The npm install command was changed to npm install --no-shrinkwrap --update-binary (based on answer here ). Other answers for this issue

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