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Return <Promise> from get in react

I'm taking my first steps with react and I'm trying to make a get request with data that I get in app i pass it to other component. The problem is that i get this:

[undefined, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise]

What is wrong?

Here is my code:


    const elements1 = await axios.get(axios.defaults.baseURL)
      // this works ok.

     const Allelements = await Promise.all(elements1.data.elements.map(element => { 

          if(element.type == 'CONTENT'){
            const contentType = responseElements.data.elements.map(element => element)
            this.setState({content : contentType})


 <Route path="/" exact render={(props) => <Home {...props} content={this.state.content} />}/> // this send the data ok.

HOME receives IT and pass it, and work ok:

<ContentGroupTall content={this.props.content}>

CONTENTGROUPTALL.JS --> HERE is the problem.


     const a = this.props.content // a have the data

    const b = a.map(element => element.content).filter(element => element != null)

    const c = b.map(element => { 
      if(element.type == 'RAIL'){
      return axios.get(`http://url:3000/${element.id}`)
    console.log('cccccccc', c) --> [undefined, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise]

axios.get returns a Promise, so you map an array to promises, except the first case, when element.type probably doesn't equal RAIL .

You can filter them out first, then resolve it with Promise.all :

   b.filter(element => element.type === 'RAIL')
    .map(element => axios.get(`http://url:3000/${element.id}`))
.then(res => res.forEach(element => console.log(element)));

You can also use destructuring to avoid verbosity:

    b.filter(({type}) => type === 'RAIL')
     .map(({id}) => axios.get(`http://url:3000/${id}`))
.then(res => res.forEach(element => console.log(element)));

Wrap your c array with Promise.all. Then you can continue with the resolved promises in a then statement after Promise.all to get the values.

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