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Is there a way to hide a package in eclipse? (maybe for security reasons?)

I can't see a package that is being used in one class in Project Explorer, Navigator, and Package Explorer . I looked through all the folders, but can't find a package used.

But I can open a class in that package by using Open Declaration (F3) feature in Eclipse. Also Another reason I know there is a package for sure is because I can see the package keyword at the beginning of the source. Like the below;
package the.name.of.package.I.cannot.find;
I can see the variable of that class being used too. So it does exist, but can't find it in the 'Project Explorer', 'Navigator', and 'Package Explorer'.

Is this a bug? or is this hidden somehow? Or something else?

When the "link with editor" option in eclipse is turned on, the class that is currently open in the editor is highlighted in the Project Explorer window. In my version of eclipse, its icon is a pair of arrows, one pointing left and one right, and the button with this icon is found at the upper right-hand corner of project explorer. Turn that on and see where it leads you.

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