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Perl - Implementing Perl Script with Perl Module

I would imagine this is too big and too specific for a normal StackOverflow question, so I can understand if there isn't any possible help. However I will try and show what is the issue I am facing. Also I am new to Perl and I know you shouldn't declare all variables at the start, I'm just trying to see if I can get this implemented first.

I have a Perl script:

use 5.010;
use Math::Trig ':radial';
use Math::Trig;
use List::Util qw(max min);

#Input parameters:

#The ouput filename:
$outfile = 'Tree.scad';

#The coordinates of the points that is to be supported.

#The minimum angle from horizontal your printer can make, in degrees
$min_angle= 40;

#Ignore the next line, it is not an input parameter.
for $i (0..$#X){
    $Z[$i]=20;#The function that defined the height of each point. This setting wil give you a flat roof. For a more advanced tree, try:

#End of input parameters.

$min_radian = deg2rad($min_angle);
$b = tan($min_radian);
open $output, '>', $outfile or die "error writing to '$outfile'"; 

print $output "width=2;\n";
print $output "sphere_radius=0;\n";
print $output "base_plate_size=10;\n\n";

while ($#X>0){
  for $j (0..$#Y_list){
      if (abs($X_list[$j]) < 0.001){
      if (abs($Y_list[$j]) < 0.001){
      if (abs($Z_list[$j]) < 0.001){

print $output 'if(base_plate_size>0){';
print $output "\n translate([$X[0],$Y[0],$Z[0]*$b])\n";
print $output "cube([base_plate_size,base_plate_size,1],center=true);}";

sub grid{
    my $d=$_[4];
    @X_values=map{$_*$d} @X_values;
    @Y_values=map{$_*$d} @Y_values;
    for $i (0..$#X_values){
    for $j (0..$#Y_values){
        $X[$i*($#Y_values+1)+$j]= $X_values[$i];
    return (\@X,\@Y);

sub branch{
  my @X=@{ $_[0] };
  my @Y=@{ $_[1] };
  my @Z=@{ $_[2] };
  for $i (1..$#X){
    ($rho, $theta, $phi) = cartesian_to_spherical($X[$i]-$X[0],$Y[$i]-$Y[0],$Z[$i]-$Z[0]);
    $phi = rad2deg($phi);
    if (abs($phi)<0.001){$phi=0;}
    $theta = rad2deg($theta)+90;
    if (abs($theta)<0.001){$theta=0;}
    if (abs($rho)>0.001){
    print $output "translate([$X[0],$Y[0],$Z[0]])\n";
    print $output "rotate([0,0,$theta])\n";
    print $output "rotate([$phi,0,0])\n";
    print $output "translate([-width/2,-width/2,0])";
    print $output "cube([width,width,$rho]);\n";
    print $output 'if (sphere_radius>0){';
    print $output "\n translate([$X[$i],$Y[$i],$Z[$i]])\n";
    print $output "sphere(sphere_radius,center=1);}\n";}

sub find_min_dist{
  my @X=@{ $_[0] };
  my @Y=@{ $_[1] };
  my @Z=@{ $_[2] };
  my $min_dist=($X[0]-$X[1])**2+($Y[0]-$Y[1])**2+($Z[0]-$Z[1])**2;
  my $max_Z=$Z[0];
  my $I=0;
  my $J=1;
  for $i (1..$#Z){
      if ($Z[$i]>=$max_Z){
  for $j (0..$#X){
    if ($j!=$I){
      if ($min_dist>$dist){
  return ($I,$J);

sub find_branch{
  my $X1=$_[0];
  my $Y1=$_[1];
  my $Z1=$_[2];
  my $X2=$_[3];
  my $Y2=$_[4];
  my $Z2=$_[5];
  if (abs($Z1-$Z2) < $rXY) {
  elsif ($Z1 < $Z2) {
  else {
  return ($X_branch,$Y_branch,$Z_branch);

Which produces a scad file and outputs it as this: 在此处输入图片说明

I thought it would be good to implement this method in a slicing program, Slic3r. Now what I have done is attempted to still keep it separate since I would like to show at least this structure in the program and decide whether or not it is possible to do.

Slic3r Original Code: https://github.com/slic3r/Slic3r/blob/21eb603cc16946b14e77d3c10cbee2f1163503c6/lib/Slic3r/Print/SupportMaterial.pm

Modified Slic3r Code: https://pastebin.com/aHzXT4RW

So the comparison is, I removed the generate_pillar_supports and added my grid subroutine. I assumed I would just have to call it since this script is separate to how it's generated compared to the other support structures on:

So replaced this:

 my $shape = [];
    if ($self->object_config->support_material_pattern eq 'pillars') {
        $self->generate_pillars_shape($contact, $support_z, $shape);

With this:

my $shape = [];
    if ($self->object_config->support_material_pattern eq 'pillars') {

However unfortunately, I have not been able to get a nice structure to form but rather this: 在此处输入图片说明

As I said, I know this is a large question and I'm not diving into the entire Slic3ing program so it might be even harder to understand. However just from a brief look, would anyone know what the issue is? Am I calling the subroutine wrong, does the script only work to produce a scad file, etc. All I would need is just to see if this is able to show or not. Thanks.

sub grid does not appear to be a method, but you are calling it as one


This syntax actually sends $self as the first argument, so that call is equivalent to the function call


What you probably want is to just say


(You also really want to say

use strict;
use warnings;

at the top of every script)

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