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How to read Blob (octet-stream) to JSON object?

From a http request, a blob (b) (type application/octet-stream ) is downloaded and then needs to be processed, it contains a json object .

I tried the following:

var reader = new FileReader();
var readResult = <string> reader.result;
var obj = JSON.parse(readResult);

It doesn´t work, and readResult is null.

How can you process a blob that contains a json into a json object?

You will need an onload event like so:

 var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify({"test": "Hello from JSON!"})], {type : "application/json"}), reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { document.body.innerText = JSON.parse(this.result).test; }; reader.readAsText(blob);

When the request has responseType: 'blob' it returns binary, but if an error occurs message is returned as JSON inside Blob.

This is how you can decode JSON messages from blob:

(response) => {
  return response;
async (error) => {
  if (error.response.data instanceof Blob) {
    const blob = new Blob([error.response.data]);
    const data = await blob.text();
    const { message, details } = JSON.parse(data);
    //display message and details to the user

Code example :

      await this.exampleservice.MygetRequest().then(httpResponse => {
        httpResponse.body.text().then(text => {
          obj = JSON.parse(text);
          //console.log('obj after parse:' ,obj);
          let data = obj.result.data; 
          console.log('My data:' ,data);
    }catch (error) {
      if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
          type: 'error',
          title: this.errorsService.getErrorMessage(error.status),
          showConfirmButton: false,
          timer: 1500
        this.feedback_errors = error.error.errors;
        this.feedback_errors_keys = this.feedback_errors ? Object.keys(this.feedback_errors) : null;

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