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How do I pass variable length arguments to parameters of another function?

How do I pass variable length arguments to parameters of another function?

def fun(a,b,c):

from inspect import signature

def example(*args):
    if len(args) >= len(signature(fun).parameters):
        fun(args); # how do i do this without modifying fun function

Change fun(args) to fun(*args[:3]) . This takes only the first 3 elements of args and unpacks them.

Edit: As kindall writes in his answer, you should also parameterise numargs .

Use slicing to make sure you have the right number of parameters, then use unpacking to pass them as individual arguments.

def example(*args):
    numargs = len(signature(fun).parameters)
    if len(args) >= numargs:
        return fun(*args[:numargs])
    print("not enough arguments")

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