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How do I render this map?

let array = this.props.data.allGoogleSheetSpacesRow.edges;

    const results = [...array.reduce((r, e) => {
      let k = `${e.node.twitter}`;
      if(!r.has(k)) r.set(k, {...e, count: 1})
      else r.get(k).count++
      return r;
    }, new Map)]

I'm using reduce to get a count of duplicate twitter usernames in my array to create a leaderboard like so:

  1. Twitter Username: 5
  2. Twitter Username: 4
  3. Twitter Username: 2
let leaderboard = results;

return (
        {leaderboard.map((item, index) => (
          <div key={index}>
            {item.value.map((c, i) => (
              <div key={i}>
                <hr />


I'm trying to map over the map to render the data but I'm not sure how to. I get Cannot read property 'map' of undefined . What am I doing wrong?

Here's a breakdown of the map : 在此处输入图片说明

So the tree seems to go array --> array --> object but I'm not sure what I need to do to render that.

To start with, look at the docs for Map . Notice that the methods available include entries , keys , values , and forEach . There is no map method (although one could argue there should be).

Also notice that map is an iterable, so you can do a for (let [key, value] of map){…} (which is pretty much the same as calling .forEach(…) or .entries().forEach(…) ).

What you probably want, though, is Array.from(map.entries()).map(…) or [...map.entries()].map(…) . .entries() returns a map iterator of [key, value] pairs, which can be converted to an array, which has a .map(…) method.

so your code is pretty close:

  return (
        <div>{Array.from(leaderboard.entries()).map(([key, value]) => (
          <div key={key}>
                <hr />

You can iterate over the keys of your Map:

return (
        {[...leaderboard.keys()].map(key => (
          <div key={key}>

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