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Docker not persisting postgres volume [django]

There are many questions that have been asked on here about similar issues that I went through such as this , this , this and this that are very similar but none of the solutions there solve my problem. Please don't close this question.


I am running django with nginx and postgres on docker. Secret information is stored in an .env file. My postgres data is not persisting with docker-compose up/start and docker-compose down/stop/restart .

This is my docker-compose file:

version: '3.7'

    build: ./app
    command: gunicorn umngane_project.wsgi:application --bind
      - ./app/:/usr/src/app/
      - 8000
      - SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql
      - SQL_DATABASE=postgres
      - SQL_HOST=db
      - SQL_PORT=5432
      - SU_NAME=${SU_NAME}
      - SU_EMAIL=${SU_EMAIL}
      - db
    image: postgres:11.2-alpine
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
    build: ./nginx
      - static_volume:/usr/src/app/assets
      - 1337:80
      - web

    external: true # I tried running without this and the result is the same

My entrypoint scipt is this:

python manage.py flush --no-input
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser --user "${SU_NAME}" --email "${SU_EMAIL}" --password "${SU_PASSWORD}"
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input

exec "$@"

where createsuperuser is a custom module that creates a superuser in the application.

This setup is not persisting the information in postgres_data .

Additional information:

Before doing anything, I check to see that there is no volume named postgres_data using docker volume ls and get just that.

At which point I run docker-compose up -d / docker-compose up -d --build and everything works out fine with no errors.

I run docker inspect postgres_data and it shows "CreatedAt": "X1"

I am able to login as the superuser. I proceed to create admin users, logout as the superuser and then login as any of the admin users with no problem. I run docker exec -it postgres_data psql -U <postgres_user> to make sure the admin users are in the database and find just that.

At which point I proceed to run docker-compose down / docker-compose stop with no problem. I run docker volume ls and it shows that postgres_data is still there.

I run docker inspect postgres_data and it shows "CreatedAt": "X2"

To test that everything works as expected I run docker-compose up -d / docker-compose up -d --build / docker-compose start / docker-compose restart .

I run docker inspect postgres_data and it shows "CreatedAt": "X3"

At which point I proceed to try and login as an admin user and am not able to. I run docker exec -it postgres_data psql -U <postgres_user> again but this time only see the superuser, no admin users.

(Explanation: I am here using the forward slash to show all the different things I tried on different attempts. I tried every combination of commands shown here.)

The issue is you run "flush" in your entrypoint script which clears the database. The entrypoint will run whenever you boot or recreate the container.

One way of having persistent data is specifying an actual path on the disk instead of creating a volume:

    image: postgres:11.2-alpine
      - "/local/path/to/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/"

This way, the container's postgres data location is mapped to a path you specify. This way, the data persists directly on disk unless purposely deleted. A docker volume, as far as I know, is going to be removed on container removal.

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