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How to recover a .py file from PyInstaller .exe?

I lost my original python code that I've been working on for months, it's packed into an .exe using PyInstaller and that's all I have.

I tried this: Exe to python with pyinstaller?

I was able to extract a file that has some of my source code in it but it's filled with all this gibberish:


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What was extracted was a file with the name of my code without the .py extension and a folder of .pyc files none of which are my code, just the dependent libraries. Can someone help me get my code back? A lot of work down the drain if I can't get it back... I feel really dumb. Thanks

Adam, you got a error [TypeError: extractFiles() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given] , i think you haven't put "pyinstxtractor.py" in the same folder, module missed.

if you want to know more, you can open the python_exe_unpack.py , see which line have error, find the reason.

It doesn't seem to be possible. Pyinstaller converts the .py file into binary which your computer can understand. From what I can see, there isn't a way to convert the .exe to a .py file again.

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