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On a Keydown.enter event in input element within a child component is also calling a method that is defined in Parent Component

I have a parent component where user can select skills from a range of options and a child component where user can add their own skill if its not available on the parent component.

The issue is in child component , when a user enters skill into an input element on which I have an @keydown.ente r event defined to call a method, to take the input and push it to an array and that all works. The only problem is when keydown.enter event is fired it's also calling a method that is defined in the parent component which changes the state of the options element .

// parent component
<div class="card-body">
  <p class="card-subtitle font-weight-bold mb-1">Select Skills</p>

    v-for="skill in skills" 
    :class="[skill.state ? skillSelectedState : skillNotSelectedState]" 
    class="btn btn-sm m-2" @click="addSkill(skill)" 



  <clientInput></clientInput> // child component

import clientInput from './ClientSkillInput.vue'

export default {
  data() {
    return {

      skills: [], // getting skills from an axios call
      selectedSkills: [],

methods: {

addSkill(skill) { // this is the method getting called

                if (!skill.state) {
                    skill.state = true;
                } else {
                    let position = this.selectedSkills.indexOf(skill.skills);
                    this.selectedSkills.splice(position, 1);
                    // skill.state = false;


// child component

    <div class="form-group mt-2">
        <label class="d-block">Not what you're looking for?</label>
        <div class="customWraper">
            <div class="userSkillbox d-inline bg-secondary"> // will be using v-for to loop on userProvidedSkills and show the user inputs
                Rrby on rails
                <button class="userSkillboxBtn btn-sm border-0 text-white"> // to remove the input item 
                    <i class="fas fa-times"></i>

            <input v-model="userInput" type="text" class="d-inline border-0" placeholder="Type to add different skill" @Click="">

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                isEditable: true,
                userInput: '',
                userProvidedSkills: [],

        methods: {
            addUserInput() {
                this.userSkill = '';


It is not clear where you're adding the keydown event, but there 2 possible solutions:

1.Use a event modifier on the input to stop propagation

<input @keydown.enter.stop

2.Use the self event modifier on the parent component button

v-for="skill in skills" 


More about event modifiers here

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