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C# datatable Entity Framework

I have two objects people and house , and I want to show the table people in a datagridview, but in the field House , the value shown is Program.Model.House ; I want to show the street name instead, how I can do it? (I'm using Entity Framework and the data source of data grid view I use context.tolist() )

public class People 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public House House { get; set; }

public class House
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public int Number { get; set; }

Override ToString() in House class. Like that :

public override string ToString(){ return $"Street: {Street}"; }

You wanted to show data like Name and Street Name

For Name You can use Model.Name

For Street Name you can use Model.House.Street

For Example

 @foreach(var item in Model)
       <td> @Model.Name</td>
       <td> @Model.House.Street</td>

May this help you

Simply create a new object for grid view with a street name.

List<object> peopleData=new List<object>(); 
peopleData.Add(new{ ppl.Name,ppl.House.Street });

grdPeople.DataSource = peopleData;```

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