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ContentDisposition meta data property is not added to the S3 files using AWS-SDK

In my application, I am using S3 to store files. But when retrieving those files, they are opening in new tab. But, I want to download those files. Following some references and AWS documentation, I came to know that we can achieve that using ContentDisposition metadata parameter. I did as following:

   CopySource: object.bucket + '/' + object.key,
   Bucket: BUCKET,
   Key: object.destKey,
   ContentDisposition: 'attachment; filename=some_file_name.jpg'

When I do as above, the ContentDisposition metadata parameter is not being added (I checked in AWS S3 console). I am not sure where I am doing wrong. Please help me solve this.


I don't know why it was not working. But, after a lot of research I came across this post . And when getting those objects, I sent parameters like following

return s3utils.getSignedUrl({
  filePath: key,
  type: 'getObject',
  "ResponseContentDisposition": 'attachment'

Using ResponseContentDisposition parameter did the trick for me. But, still not sure why copyObject with ContentDisposition is not working.

Still question is open



ContentDisposition: 'attachment; filename="some_file_name.jpg"'

I ran into a similar issue, but using AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 . It appears that if you use the Copy command , and want to set the ContentDisposition header, you must also set the MetadataDirective (corresponding to the x-amz-metadata-directive header) to "REPLACE". Otherwise, the metadata from the source object will be copied, and if that does not include a ContentDisposition, or an incorrect one for the target object, it will still be applied for the target object.

new CopyObjectCommand({
    Bucket: bucket,
    CopySource: `${bucket}/${sourceKey}`,
    Key: targetKey,
    MetadataDirective: 'REPLACE',
    ContentDisposition: `attachment; filename="${filename}"`,

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