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Refreshing html via javascript and php

I'm trying to show a notifications counter updated upon javascript.

I have tried to use the following to refresh the html:

At the top of the page declaring the counter value (how many messages user has):

    $nc =  notificationCount($user_data['id']);
    $ng = $user_data['id'];
    if ($nc >= 1){
        $nstyle = 'style="display:block;"';
    } else {
        $nstyle = 'style="display:block;"';

Then the standard initial loading of the counter value that works properly:

<li id ="ndiv" class="nav-item pt8" <?php echo $nstyle; ?>><a href="javascript:void(0);"  data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" onclick="showUser(<?php echo $ng;?>)"> 
    <i class="fa fa-bell f18 cr"></i><span id ="nc" class="f16 cr"><?php echo $nc;?></span></a>

In attempt to keep the counter refreshing every 5000 I tried the following, but it does not refresh despite the increase in value taking place.

    function checkNotification() {
        console.log(' each 5 second...');
        document.getElementById("nc").value =  "<?php echo $nc;?>";
    var myVar = setInterval(checkNotification, 5000);

A PHP page returns a result to the client. Once the page returns its result, it's done. You can't have a PHP page return a result every so often. But, what you can do is call out to a PHP page ( using AJAX ) that returns the notification count at regular intervals using setInterval() .

 let notifications = document.getElementById("notifications"); // This would be a function that calls a .php page to get // the notification count returned. You could use AJAX // to make that call. function simulateServerCode(){ return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); } let timer = setInterval(function(){ notifications.textContent = simulateServerCode(); }, 5000); 
 <div>You have <span id="notifications"></span> notifications.<div> 

You don't need the server side for showing the notifications.

Try this:


notificationsCount = document.getElementById("notificationsCount");

numberOfNotification = 10; // example

showing = setInterval(function(){

      notificationsCount.textContent = numberOfNotificaton;

}, 5000);


    Number of notifications <h1 id="notificationsCount"></h1>

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