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How can I fix my remove(Comparable e) method on a Max Heap?

I'm trying to remove(Comparable e) object say remove(2), but when I try to remove it removes the incorrect node in the heap and not the one that I want it to be removed.

This is what the output looks like.

The heap before removing Redwoods NP:

Bryce Canyon NP Redwoods NP Joshua Tree NP Zion NP Yosemite NP Lassen Volcanic NP 

Bryce Canyon NP, 
Redwoods NP, 
Joshua Tree NP, 
Zion NP, 
Yosemite NP, 
Lassen Volcanic NP

After removing Redwoods NP:

Bryce Canyon NP Redwoods NP Joshua Tree NP Zion NP Redwoods NP 

Bryce Canyon NP, 
Redwoods NP, 
Joshua Tree NP, 
Zion NP, 
Redwoods NP, 
Lassen Volcanic NP

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)


Bryce Canyon NP,
Joshua Tree NP, 
Zion NP, 
Yosemite NP, 
Lassen Volcanic NP

My code

public void remove(Comparable e) throws NoSuchElementException {

    if (size == 0) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Heap is empty! Nothing to be removed");

    Comparable toRemove = e;
    Comparable temp = heapData[size-1];
    heapData[size-1] = toRemove;
    toRemove = temp;

My Add(Comparable e) code method

public void add(Comparable e) {
        if (size == heapData.length - 1) {
        int position = ++size;
        for (; position > 1 && e.compareTo(heapData[position / 2]) < 0; position = position / 2) {
            heapData[position] = heapData[position / 2];
            maxHeapify(heapData, position);

        heapData[position] = e;



toRemove = temp;

// this line is wrong, you are only changing the object in heap, not in array. instead first write a method that finds position of e in the array and assign the temp object to that position

add a method:

int findRemoveableIndex(Comparable[] input, Comparable e) {
    for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
        if(input[i].equals(e)) { // or == 
            return i;
    return -1;

then, instead of above assignment do this:

heapData[findRemoveableIndex(heapData, e)] = temp;

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