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How can I set up IIS website (not Application Pool) identity fields (username & password) via PowerShell?

Looking for help on how to set the IIS website - NOT application pool - identity fields via the PowerShell WebAdministration module. I have many IIS servers (with many web sites on each) that need to have their passwords reset.

Here's where the identity fields would be set manually

I already have the commands needed to modify the application pool identity, but I cannot find anything on modifying the website identity fields.


Welcome, SamJ! Have you tried something like this script?

$iisSitePath = "IIS:\Sites\" + $siteName
$website = get-item $iisSitePath
$website.virtualDirectoryDefaults.userName = "domain\username"
$website.virtualDirectoryDefaults.password = "password"
$website | set-item

Found on this blog

There's also an option to poke XML into the applicationhost.config file:

Set-WebConfiguration -Filter "/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='Test']/application[@path='/']/virtualDirectory[@path='/']" -Value @{userName='DOMAIN\TestUser'; password='Pa55word'}

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