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Custom timestamp and windowing for Pub/Sub in DataFlow (Apache Beam)

I want to implement the following scenario using streaming pipeline in Apache Beam (and running it on Google DataFlow):

  1. Read messages from Pub/Sub (JSON strings)
  2. Deserialize JSONs
  3. Use custom field (say timeStamp ) as a timestamp value for the processing element
  4. Apply fixed windowing of 60 seconds
  5. Extract key from elemtents and group by key
  6. << perform further processing >>

I've tried to resolve this problem using both Java(Scala) and Python, but non of the solution worked.

  1. Python solution
# p is beam.Pipeline()
_ = (p | beam.io.ReadFromPubSub(subscription="my_sub")
        | beam.Map(add_timestamping)
        | beam.WindowInto(window.FixedWindows(60))
        | beam.Map(lambda elem: elem) # exracting the key somehow, not relevant here
        | beam.GroupByKey()
        # (...)
        | beam.io.WriteToPubSub("output_topic")

add_timestamping function as per documentation :

def add_timestamping(elem):
    import json
    import apache_beam as beam
    msg = json.loads(elem)
    unix_timestamp = msg['timeStamp'] / 1000
    return beam.window.TimestampedValue(msg, unix_timestamp)

Output of Python solution :

  1. When using DirectRunner , windows are emitted and the windowing itself is more-or-less appropriate, depending on the delay.
  2. When using DataFlowRunner , ALL messages are skipped with counter appearing in DataFlow UI: droppedDueToLateness .

  1. Java / Scala solution (I've used Scio but this happens to in clean Beam SDK in Java too)
    .applyTransform(ParDo.of(new CustomTs()))
    .map(x => x) // exracting the key somehow, not relevant here
    // (...)

Adding custom timestamp as per documentation :

import io.circe.parser._
class CustomTs extends DoFn[String, String] {
  def processElement(@Element element: String, out: DoFn.OutputReceiver[String]): Unit = {
    val json = parse(element).right.get
    val timestampMillis: Long = json.hcursor.downField("timeStamp").as[Long].getOrElse(0)
    out.outputWithTimestamp(element, new Instant(timestampMillis))

Output of Java / Scala solution :

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline$PipelineExecutionException: 
 Cannot output with timestamp 2019-03-02T00:51:39.124Z. 
 Output timestamps must be no earlier than the timestamp of the current input
 (2019-03-28T14:57:53.195Z) minus the allowed skew (0 milliseconds).

I cannot use DoFn.getAllowedTimestampSkew here as it's already deprecated and I don't know what ranges of historical data will be sent.

Having the ability to process historical data is crucial for my project (this data will be sent to Pub/Sub from some store). The pipeline must work both on current data as well as historical one.

My question is: How to process the data using custom timestamps with the ability to operate on windows defined using Beam API?

If you have the ability to extract the timestamp at insertion point to PubSub, you will be able to make use of user-specified timestamps as metadata. The information on how to is documented under the 1.9 SDK.


"You can use user-specified timestamps for precise control over how elements read from Cloud Pub/Sub are assigned to windows in a Dataflow pipeline. "

As 1.9 is deprecated, in 2.11 you will need https://beam.apache.org/releases/javadoc/2.11.0/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/gcp/pubsub/PubsubIO.Read.html#withTimestampAttribute-java.lang.String-

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