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List of in-browser UI techniques?

I'd like to know what can be done in a browser UI (using a browser+CSS+javascript, not using Flash or Silverlight). For example, I think it's possible to:

  • Drag and drop
  • Arrange list items horizontally, and make them behave like menu items
  • Make things on page visible or invisible, depending on where the mouse is hovering

I admit this is a broad question, but that's what I'm looking for: an overview of available UI techniques (preferably with, also, at least a little clue or hyperlink as to how to implement each one).

Do you know of such a list or dictionary?

I'm especially interested in any techniques for interaction and user input (ie not simply page layout and navigation where the end-user is only consuming information).

Edit: people answered that I should look to see what functionality is implemented in various 'JavaScript UI toolkits'. FWIW, the following are my brief review/summary after looking at some of the suggestions.

To summarize, I think the best answers (ie the easiest-to-browse collections of the most functionality) are:

look at the documentation for things like mootools and jquery UI , there are plenty of examples of the crazy stuff that you can do in there.

Also check out ajaxians UI section


查看jquery UI http://jqueryui.com/以及插件http://plugins.jquery.com/这只是一个简单的例子,你可以通过Java Script实现

I think you could in principle do almost anything you can think of that involves the page changing how it looks in response to user action. I mean, js can do amazing visual effects, including pretty complex animation and vectors, and retrieve data from anywhere that allows it to using ajax, so put that way you can display anything you want how you want.

The question is how much resources these take client side. While pretty much anything is possible, not everything will necessarily be practical, and I doubt there's any reliable way to decide which things will be too resource-heavy to realistically implement on the client side.

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