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How to update textOutput in R Shiny within the execution of an actionButton?

I am building an R Shiny UI (split as UI and Server) which spends about three hours building a data.frame of disease clinical records given some Shiny UI parameters. On completion, the data.frame is passed to a Cox model and the result will be displayed as a plot.

When running R on the terminal the code will print information during those three hours eg, how many patients/drugs it has parsed.

I have tried using separate textOutput UI features but I can't seem to get the textOutput to update from within a function call executed on the event of clicking a button. I believe this could be scope related. My code is split by UI and Server:

Note: the button is clicked once and I would like to see the textOutput to be updated several times on that click given a call from within a loop.



  # Application title
  titlePanel("CPRD EHR Statistical Toolset"),

      helpText("A long list of Input features below here."),
        h4("Medical record construction"),
        actionButton("executeButton", "Execute Cox")


shinyServer(function(input, output) {

  observeEvent(input$executeButton, {
    coxDF<-runBuildModel(input, output)
  }) #endf of execute action


runBuildModel <- function(input, output) {
  for(i in 1:10) {
    #This is not updating.
    output$numPatientsOutput <- renderText({paste("patient:",i)})

The server basically runs all the code before rendering it. That's why you only get your last line of text.

What you can do is create a reactiveValue and update this value in the for loop. In addition, you have to create an observer to keep track of the value.

Working example


ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

  # Application title
  titlePanel("CPRD EHR Statistical Toolset"),

      helpText("A long list of Input features below here.")),
      h4("Medical record construction"),
      actionButton("executeButton", "Execute Cox")


server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  runBuildModel <- function(input, output) {
    for(i in 1:10) {
      #This is not updating.
      rv$outputText = paste0(rv$outputText,"patient:",i,'<br>')

  rv <- reactiveValues(outputText = '')

  observeEvent(input$executeButton, {
    coxDF<-runBuildModel(input, output)
  }) #endf of execute action

  observe(output$numPatientsOutput <- renderText(HTML(rv$outputText)))

shinyApp(ui, server)

I realize that this is resurrecting and VERY old question, but I've faced the same problem myself and found a way to solve it. I wanted to provide an answer here for others that might find this page.


ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
  # Application title
  titlePanel("CPRD EHR Statistical Toolset"),
      helpText("A long list of Input features below here.")),
      h4("Medical record construction"),
      actionButton("executeButton", "Execute Cox")

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  runBuildModel <- function(input, output) {
    for(i in 1:10) {
      #This is not updating.
      rv$outputText = paste0(rv$outputText,"patient:",i,'<br>')
      shinyjs::html(id = 'numPatientsOutput', rv$outputText)
  rv <- reactiveValues(outputText = '')
  observeEvent(input$executeButton, {
    coxDF<-runBuildModel(input, output)
  }) #endf of execute action

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